Supermarket giant Morrisons on wonky fruit and paper bags
“Wonky” fruits and vegetables have been championed by UK supermarket Morrisons in a bid to cut down the food wasted by consumers.
In times past, produce that was smaller or misshapen would have been thrown out as part of the standard supermarket food waste. However, thanks to the “wonky fruit & veg” campaign, their popularity is now booming.
Morrisons has been able to sell wonky food at a lower price as a way to reduce unnecessary food waste and has pledged to increase its wonky fruit and vegetable output by 50 per cent in 2018.
The campaign has been so successful that they’re now selling 500 tonnes of wonky fruit & veg every week!
Considering this produce would otherwise have been disposed of, it’s an incredible amount of edible food waste to save.
Also cutting down on food packaging
It doesn’t stop at wonky food!
To reduce plastics and raise environmental awareness, Morrisons has brought back brown paper bags to replace their single use plastic bags for loose fresh fruits and vegetables.
All Morrisons stores will have them in place by the end of summer and has signed up to the UK Plastics Pact to help reduce single-use plastics and avoidable plastic waste.
It’s a fantastic example of a business working towards the UK’s target of eliminating avoidable plastic waste by 2042.
Through this initiative, Morrisons is preventing 150 million small plastic bags from being used every year.
Through working together and adopting a truly open dialogue, we’ll be able to solve the challenge of eliminating single use plastic.