World Environmental Health Day draws attention to global food sustainability
The International Federation of Environmental Health has declared World Environmental Health Day to be 26th September 2018! Founded in 2011 in Indonesia, World Environmental Health Day has been celebrated annually ever since.
It is targeted towards preventing disease and creating health-supporting environments, and encompasses the assessment and control of the environmental factors which can potentially affect health.
The IFEH organise various activities to draw public attention to the problems of the environment, while also calling on people around the world to participate in these events.
Global Food Safety and Sustainability
Each year, the theme of World Environmental Health Day changes; however, it always revolves around a worldwide environmental health issue that is chosen by the IFEH.
Today, in 2018, we produce enough food to feed everyone around the world; yet one in nine people still go to bed hungry every day.
According to FOA, a staggering 1.3 billion tonnes of food is being wasted annually. If even one fourth of the food currently lost or wasted globally could be saved, it would be enough to feed 870 million hungry people in the world.
Raising awareness among industries, retailers, and consumers as well as finding a beneficial use for food that is thrown away will help decrease the amount of waste.
Getting involved
The campaign wants to hear from many people around the world talking about their ideas to help and discuss topics which are important to them.
Organisations and groups are encouraged to set up local initiatives and events to celebrate World Environmental Health Day. Videos and initiatives will be displayed on the IFEH website: